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Hair Growth Nutraceutical

AGE DEFENSEProduct title

Retinol 0.5



Our retinol products help stimulate cell regeneration and build collagen to diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots from both photo- and intrinsic aging. Retinol 0.5 contains 0.5% pure retinol and is recommended as a prerequisite to SkinCeuticals Retinol 1.0.


Limit initial use to once or twice a week; gradually increase frequency to every other night, and finally each evening as tolerated. Apply a pea-sized amount of Retinol 0.5 to thoroughly cleansed skin in the evening. Carefully avoid the eyes and the corner of the eyes. To ensure optimal results, wait at least 30 minutes before applying any corrective or moisturizing products the same evening as applying SkinCeuticals Retinol products.


0.5% Retinol: This ingredient is clinically proven to reduce collagen-degrading enzymes and stimulate the skin's collagen production. It has also been found to thicken aged skin.

Bisabolol: Derived from the chamomile plant, this anti-irritant helps calm and soothe the skin.